Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture theory views skin breakouts and the development of acne as related to the lungs, stomach, intestines (heat, damp, stasis) and blood conditions specifically of heat and stasis. Read the whole article...
Abnormalities found on the tongue map can give an acupuncturist clues to where a patient’s imbalances are located and how best they can be treated. Read the whole article on the Epoch Times...
By Jennifer Dubowsky, LAc Chinese tongue diagnosis is an essential tool used by acupuncturists and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. Your tongue plays a unique role in understanding your body’s constitution; it is the only organ that is both interior and...
From ABC News: A growing number of Americans would prefer to stop popping pills and avoid going under the knife to treat a bum knee, achy lower back or sore hip. Instead, they’re turning to the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture to help ease chronic joint pain....
Treatment Protocols Part 2 by Kamron Jafari There are a number of different types of therapeutic treatment possibilities available to the user of D.H.A. Treatment protocols range in terms of depth and complexity, and thus, effective utilization depends on the...
A Handy Tool to Promote Wellness and Handle Pain Part 1 by Kamron Jafari Do you know yourself like the back of your hand knows you? Despite what you may think, our hands hold a wealth of fortune in them. While they may not tell you where you’re going to meet your true...