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Ancient Remedies for Modern Lives
By Lisa Weber, CHC, Student in the Master’s Program at Emperor’s College

Three months ago, I was living and working in Manhattan, preparing myself for a leap into the unknown – a new educational path, a new city and a new future.

This new chapter of my life is in full swing. It’s hard to believe that I’ve already completed 8 weeks of the master’s program at Emperor’s College. But I’m proud to say, I’ve learned a thing or two in what I’d like to call:

Top 5 Lessons Learned in Quarter 1

1. A master’s degree in traditional Oriental medicine is not for the weak of heart

From learning the complexities of the Chinese liver, to the very specific details of the skin, to the never-ending list of prefixes and suffixes, my brain feels like it is training for a marathon. After a long study session one night, I asked myself, “Lisa, what do you think you’re doing?”

The answer that came was, “You are preparing for an incredible, fulfilling journey, career and future. So buckle up, it’s going to be a quite a ride.” I’ve never studied harder or longer, and while I have often times found myself completely confused, I know I’ve made the right decision.

Goal: Be grateful for not delaying my life and ambitions. Know that I’m in exactly the right place.

2. The faculty at Emperor’s College are sincere educators.

Lisa Weber, CHC

Just last week while studying outside, Yun Kim, CEO, walked by and said, “Hi Lisa! How are classes going?” I was caught off guard. My reply went something like: “Um, hi. Yeah, good. Um, thanks?” Always so poised and confident!

What president or CEO knows students by name and is genuinely interested in their well-being? And this has happened to me more than once! I don’t feel like just another number. The faculty and staff and invested in our future. And that encourages me to strive for more, and build relationships where I can.

Goal: By the end of my first year, I’ll be able to formulate a confident response.

3. My classmates are the most inspiring, hard working, well-rounded people.

Despite what the admission counselors told me and the articles I read, when I pictured going back to school, I thought my classmates would be similar to those in my undergraduate program: young, many from the same background, with few life experiences under their belts. Well, this couldn’t be further from the truth! I have met successful business owners, an Army medic, a brain tumor researcher, mothers, a commercial real estate agent, a yoga studio owner, and that is just a small sampling.

They all have clear goals, ambitions and a strong desire to help people. While at times I may feel like a small fish in a big pond, I’m inspired with a new-found motivation.

Goal: Be as cool as my classmates.

4. Chinese medicine belongs in one box. Western medicine belongs in another.

I entered school with the intention to integrate Chinese and Western medical philosophies. Well, for this quarter, I’ve changed my tune. These philosophies will be put in two separate rooms. You may not agree with me. And that is okay! But for me to understand the Chinese spleen and not rip my hair out because (hello!) the spleen does not produce blood, I must keep them in separate boxes.

Goal: Figure out the Chinese organs before my next test.

5. Cookies do not solve problems. Self-care does.

I am publicly admitting that after my first midterm I went home and baked a big batch of cookies. Chocolate chip cookies. As someone who rarely eats white flour and sugar anymore, I felt like that I had failed. Miserably. The reality of what I was doing sank in. I was looking for comfort and solace in sugary sweets. Thankfully, I have the skills to deconstruct my cravings and the tools to get back on the wagon.

Self-care is a priority and it’s back in my daily routine. I now make green smoothies every morning, exercise daily and drink lots of water. And you know what? I have more energy, am sleeping better, and best of all, I don’t feel so stressed. Of course, only finals will be the true test, but folks, self-care rocks!

Goal: Get a bike to explore the beach path!

These are my top 5 life lessons from quarter one, and looking forward to learning more! Have other questions about life as a student at Emperor’s College? Leave a comment below and we’ll leave a reply.

Lisa Weber is a health coach who offers nutrition and lifestyle programs for men and women who want to lose weight, gain energy and heal recurring health concerns.