Acupuncture in the ED a Feasible, Beneficial Non-Opioid Option for Pain
Acupuncture administered in the emergency department (ED) is feasible and beneficial as a non-opioid, non-pharmacologic option for treating pain, new research suggests
read moreHope & Healing for HIV/AIDS Patients
Emperor’s College Develops Difference Makers
Can Acupuncture Improve Sleep for Veterans With Traumatic Brain Injury and PTSD?
The findings of a randomized controlled trial suggested that acupuncture may be an effective treatment for veterans who have mild traumatic brain injuries and disrupted sleep.
read moreEffectiveness of Tai Ji Quan
…vs Multimodal and Stretching Exercise Interventions for Reducing Injurious Falls in Older Adults at High Risk of Falling.
Researchers have found that sometimes you have to practice losing your balance in order to avoid falling.
read moreCan Acupuncture Help You Lose Weight?
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT: At minimum, “…there’s reason to believe it may help you shed pounds when used in conjunction with diet, exercise and other lifestyle modifications.”
read moreAcupuncture Safe and Effective for Managing Fibromyalgia-related Pain
Results from a recent study published in the Journal of Pain Research showed that acupuncture therapy, regardless of the type, was more effective in reducing pain than a placebo in the short and long term.
read moreFormer Hollywood star turned Charlottesville healer after Aug. 12, 2017
Former actress, best known for her role alongside Madonna, Rosie O’Donald, and Gina Davis in A League Of Their Own, is now a practicing acupuncturist in Charlottesville, VA and helped to heal the community after the tragic event of August 2017.
read moreHow to Promote Winter Health With Traditional Chinese Medicine
“Western medicine has done wonders for disease prevention and treatment. But when it comes to cold and flu season, ancient plant-based remedies retain an honored place in many households.”
read moreAcupuncture for PMS
Acupuncture for PMS! "Every woman and menstrual cycle is different and PMS symptoms can vary greatly from one person to another. One woman might only experience a slight discomfort whereas another can be extremely affected. But the good news? Chinese medicine can...
read moreBlueCross removes Oxycontin, adds acupuncture amid opioid crisis
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee will no longer cover prescriptions for Oxycontin. As an alternative to opioids, BCBS of Tennessee will now cover ACUPUNCTURE! Read the article in the
read moreHow to Promote Winter Health With Traditional Chinese Medicine
“Western medicine has done wonders for disease prevention and treatment. But when it comes to cold and flu season, ancient plant-based remedies retain an honored place in many households.”
read moreHow ancient remedies are changing modern medicine
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC: Long overlooked by Western science, traditional Chinese treatments are yielding cutting-edge cures.
read moreSpain plans to ban alternative medicine in health centres
THE GUARDIAN: “The Spanish government has announced plans to eradicate alternative medicine such as acupuncture or homeopathy from health centres.”
read moreMeghan Markle and Prince Harry’s secret appointments with ‘acupuncturist to the stars’ to calm wedding nerves
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry got ACUPUNCTURE to help de-stress before their wedding!
read moreAcupuncture For Anxiety
PSYCHOLOGY TODAY: Research findings support acupuncture as a treatment for anxiety.
read moreResearch Finds Acupuncture Effective For Chronic Pain
“‘The results confirm and strengthen previous key findings that acupuncture has a clinically relevant effect compared with no acupuncture control,’ the authors wrote. These effects appeared to persist for at least 12 months after receiving acupuncture.”
read moreVirtual reality helps Chinese medicine students learn acupuncture and doctors treat cancer
Chinese and Western medicine is being improved by VR applications, with acupuncture students at some medical universities in China using 3D body maps and surgeons tackling tumors conventional medicine cannot reach.
read moreNumber of Veterans Affairs facilities offering acupuncture growing rapidly
Over the past 7 years, the number of VHA facilities offering acupuncture has increased from 42% to 88%, according to an article published in a special issue on the use of acupuncture in the Veterans Health Administration in the peer-reviewed journal Medical Acupuncture.
Read the full special issue free through November 16, 2018
read moreAcupuncture in the Emergency Room
Acupuncture is now being offered to emergency patients at Aurora West Allis Medical Center in Wisconsin.
read moreHorses, Acupuncture!
With ACUPUNCTURE, “You can get pain control, you can get stress relief, you can help the horse feel a lot better.”
read moreWhy Chinese medicine is heading for clinics around the world
The Journal NATURE: “For the first time, the World Health Organization will recognize traditional medicine in its influential global medical compendium.”
“Inclusion in ICD-11 is “a powerful tool for [health-care] providers to say this is legitimate medicine” to insurers,
read moreUsing Tai Chi to Build Strength
NEW YORK TIMES: “If you’re not ready or not able to tackle strength-training with weights, resistance bands or machines, tai chi may just be the activity that can help to increase your stamina and
read moreStudy Finds More Women than Men Veterans with Chronic Pain Use Therapies Like Yoga and Acupuncture
WOMEN’S HEALTH ISSUES: Research supported by the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Services Research and Development Service, the Iris Cantor-UCLA Women’s Health Center and The Greenwall Foundation finds women veteran patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain are more likely than men to use CIH therapies, with variations in CIH use rates by race/ethnicity and age.’
read moreCan acupuncture for lower back pain prevent surgery?
Impact of acupuncture treatment on the lumbar surgery rate for low back pain in Korea: A nationwide matched retrospective cohort study.
read moreDelaware Medicaid considering covering ACUPUNCTURE for pain.
New Jersey Medicaid already covers acupuncture for pain; Pennsylvania does not, and Delaware is considering it.
read moreAcupuncture on different ocular blood flow parameters in patients with POAG
CLINICAL OPHTHALMOLOGY: The short-term effect of acupuncture on different ocular blood flow parameters in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma: a randomized, clinical study.
read moreUnderlying mechanism for lowering BP in hypertension with acupuncture
NATURE- SCIENTIFIC REPORTS: Repetitive Electroacupuncture Attenuates Cold-Induced Hypertension through Enkephalin in the Rostral Ventral Lateral Medulla.
read moreAcupuncture therapy in treating migraine: results of a magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging study
JOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH: Acupuncture has been proven to be effective as an alternative therapy in treating migraine, but the pathophysiological mechanisms of the treatment remain unclear. This study investigated possible neurochemical responses to acupuncture treatment.
read moreAcupuncture in laboratory animal medicine
The use of acupuncture in veterinary medicine has paralleled the trends observed in people, with an increasingly common use to remedy specific medical conditions. These conditions are commonly related to neurological dysfunction or orthopedic pain. Although pain relief is the …
read moreStricter reporting for Chinese medicine clinical trials
The CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) Statement is an evidence-based set of recommendations for reporting the results of randomized controlled trials testing clinical interventions.
read moreHow Racism Gave Rise to Acupuncture for Addiction Treatment
Black Panthers and other activists brought the ancient Chinese practice into addiction medicine in New York in the 1970s.
read moreErnie Gets Acupuncture
Ernie the 36 year-old penguin gets new life after the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas treats him with acupuncture.
read moreWhy Acupuncture Works for Anxiety Relief
EVERYDAY HEALTH: Not just for pain, acupuncture is a natural way to treat anxiety. It works faster than therapy and keeps you drug-free.
read moreTreating the Mind and Body: Integrating CAM Therapies into Neurology Practice
NEUROLOGY TODAY: “The US Food and Drug Administration earlier this year recommended that clinicians learn more about acupuncture and other alternate therapies for pain management. Two neurologists, who are both licensed acupuncturists, discuss the ways …
read moreSlow Roll-Out for Acupuncture Program Aimed at Aiding N.H. Addicts
One year after New Hampshire moved to expand access to acupuncture for those struggling with addiction and mental health, the new law has yet to be rolled out.
read moreOpioid Alternative Bill Passes in U.S. House of Representatives
The U.S. House of Representatives voted unanimously in favor of H.R. 6110, the MOST Act. The unanimously passed bill introduced by Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA 27) directs the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to study barriers to accessing non-drug...
read moreUnderstanding the Benefits of Acupuncture Treatment for Cancer Pain Management
CANCER NETWORK: A summary of the current evidence regarding the use of acupuncture for pain management in cancer patients. It includes a description of how acupuncture is thought to work and what the intervention entails, data on acupuncture for managing pain
read moreAcupuncture shown to decrease the severity of insomnia among cancer survivors
American Academy of Family Physicians: A randomized clinical trial of cancer survivors showed that 8 weeks of either ACUPUNCTURE or cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia decreased the severity of insomnia among cancer survivors.
read moreAcupuncture for Chronic Pain in the Vermont Medicaid Population
A Prospective, Pragmatic Intervention Trial: Findings demonstrate that acupuncture treatment for chronic pain is feasible and well received by patients in the Vermont Medicaid population. Receiving care from Licensed Acupuncturists was associated with significant improvements in physical, functional, psycho-emotional, and occupational outcomes compared with before receiving acupuncture treatments.
read moreUpcoming Study to Test Efficacy of Acupuncture in Treating Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
BMC NEUROLOGY: This partially double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial will examine the efficacy of acupuncture as a treatment for diabetic peripheral neuropathy in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus via nerve conduction studies
read moreAmerica Experiences More Pain Than Other Countries
THE ATLANTIC: “About a third of Americans said they feel aches and pains “very often” or “often”—more than people in any other country. Australia and Great Britain came close, but in the average nation only about 20 percent gave one of those responses. In the Philippines or South Africa, just 11 percent felt pain that often.”
read moreAcupuncture possible treatment for dental anxiety
Research published in the European Journal of Integrative Medicine suggests that acupuncture could help people who experience dental anxiety.
read moreAs a doctor, I didn’t think much of acupuncture. Then the opioid crisis arrived
After my acupuncture session, I left the clinic feeling noticeably better than I had before I arrived. How could I explain it?
read moreHow Dog Acupuncture Could Change Your Pet’s Life
Naturally, animals might be a little curious when they see you working with the needles as an acupuncturist, but most often the insertion of needles goes unobserved.”…”I’ve only ever seen positive results from acupuncture
read moreSelf-acupressure for women with menstrual pain
Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology: Researchers from Germany’s Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin studied 221 women with severe period pain. In the randomized pragmatic trial, 58% of those that were taught to perform acupressure had reduced period pain, compared to 25 percent of women who weren’t practicing acupressure.
read moreDry Needling Law in Idaho Signed
Idaho Governor, Butch Otter, signed House Bill #505 on March 22, 2018, allowing Idaho physical therapists to practice dry needling. The bill overwhelmingly passed the Idaho House and Senate. The law was written broadly in order to be passed, additional laws in Idaho will have to be passed to regulate the practice before it can be legally used as a therapy.
read moreEffect of tai chi versus aerobic exercise for fibromyalgia
BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL: Tai chi is as good as – or even better than – aerobic exercise for aiding people with the chronic pain condition fibromyalgia, study suggests.
read moreCSU Veterinarians Study Acupuncture In Dogs
Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, one of the top such hospitals in the world, is studying acupuncture for dogs.
read moreNew data shows opioid crisis is just getting worse
Data released this week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show emergency room visits for suspected opioid overdoses increased by 30 percent between July 2016 and September 2017.
read moreAcupuncture Can Help Anxious Dogs
THE BARK: “In addition to positive reinforcement training, acupuncture and Chinese herbal therapy have been shown to greatly reduce canine anxiety.”
read moreHow acupuncture helped Chinese and US researchers pinpoint a new asthma drug
According to a paper published in the Science Translational Medicine journal, the drug therapy TSG12 is more effective than existing asthma medication and could see more applications of the traditional Chinese medicine in research.
read moreCombination of Acupuncture and Physiotherapy Boosts Analgesia in Tension-Type Headaches
NEUROLOGY ADVISOR: Study shows patients with tension-type headaches experienced benefits from acupuncture and stretching, especially in combination with pressure pain threshold (PPT) physiotherapy hands-on techniques.
read moreCould Ancient Remedies Hold the Answer to the Looming Antibiotics Crisis?
NEW YORK TIMES: Emory University ethnobotanist, Cassandra Quave, thinks the drugs of the future might come from the past: botanical treatments long overlooked by Western medicine.
read moreOlympic Village’s Polyclinic Offers Full Range of Medical Services, Including Acupuncture
Located at each of the PyeongChang and Gangneung Olympic Villages, medical polyclinics boast a wealth of medical services, from orthopedics and pain management to physiotherapy and acupuncture. The polyclinics are open to anyone authorized to enter the Olympic Village. This is the first time that acupuncture will be made available in a Winter Olympics.
read moreBears burned in Southern California wildfires treated holistically, and are now back home in the wild
LA TIMES: Two bears that were badly burned in last month’s Southern California wildfires are back in the wild after doctors used Acupuncture and other alternative treatments to save them.
read moreAs the opioid crisis grows, states are opening Medicaid to alternative medicine
"Under intense pressure to combat the problem, states across the country are expanding their Medicaid programs to cover alternative treatments such as acupuncture, massage, and yoga. The effort could increase non-opioid options for low-income patients suffering from...
read moreMinneapolis VA Opens Healing Center
On December 12, 2017, the Minneapolis VA Medical Center (VAMC) celebrated the opening of the new Integrative Center for Health & Healing, offering acupuncture, tai chi, yoga, mindfulness meditation, yoga nidra, integrative nutrition, among other things.
read moreAcupuncture for chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome
UroToday: Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) is a common condition affecting men of all ages. Acupuncture may be an effective treatment option for CP/CPPS, but evidence is limited. We propose to evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture in a rigorously conducted trial.
read moreAcupuncture in the National Basketball Association
NBA players trying acupuncture to relieve pain, maximize effectiveness.
read moreElectrotherapy, Acupuncture Reduce Opioid Consumption After TKA
39 randomized clinical trials of common nondrug interventions used in the meta-analysis involved 2,391 patients. “We found moderate-certainty evidence that acupuncture and electrotherapy reduced or delayed patients’ opioid use….”
read moreEverything You Should Know About Functional Medicine
SHAPE MAGAZINE: Natural remedies and alternative medicine are nothing new, but they’re definitely becoming more popular. A couple decades ago, people might have thought acupuncture, cupping, and aromatherapy were a little kooky, but increasingly, people are trying them—and seeing results.
read moreAcupuncture in cancer study reignites debate about controversial technique
One of the largest-ever clinical trials into whether acupuncture can relieve pain in cancer patients has reignited a debate over the role of this contested technique in cancer care.
read moreAcupuncture May Ease Pain Tied to Breast Cancer Care
US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT: Some common breast cancer medications can trigger joint pain, but new research suggests acupuncture may ease that side effect.
read moreHow ‘battlefield acupuncture’ helps Air Force Ravens stay in the fight
“Despite the treatment’s name, the Air Force Surgeon General considers Battlefield Acupuncture a force readiness asset across all career fields. As such, BFA is a key component in the implementation of an Integrated Medicine approach throughout the force.”
read moreThe History of Acupuncture
OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS: The History of Acupuncture as a slideshow!
read moreNew Joint Commission Pain Standards a Good Start, but Devil’s in the Details: Experts
PAIN MEDICINE NEWS: New and revised standards for pain assessment and management released by the Joint Commission are a positive move toward patient-centered care, experts said, adding that lack of specificity regarding interventional pain treatment could lead to confusion.
read moreA New Venue for Providing Catalytic Global Communications to Promote Health and Healing
Global Advances in Health and Medicine (Global Advances) now serves as the official publication of the Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine & Health. The publications serves an as international forum to facilitate broader dialogue and collaboration among healthcare providers from various disciplines, and across diverse practice patterns, cultures, and industry fields.
read moreAmid Opioid Crisis, States Start Embracing Alternative Medicine
It isn’t news that the medical community is grappling with how to reduce dependence on prescription painkillers. As the opioid epidemic remains front and center, some places are experimenting with alternative therapies such as acupuncture, massage and yoga. Oregon is pioneering the practice, mandating not only that insurance providers cover these therapies but also that they be given priority over prescriptions.
read moreHow the Body and Brain Achieve Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief via Acupuncture
New research describes how acupuncture may achieve local pain-relieving effects in people with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) while also showing effects of the technique in the brain’s pain centers. The study, funded in part by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health and conducted by a multicenter team of scientists at
read moreAcupuncture for Chronic Severe Functional Constipation: A Randomized Trial
ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE: A randomized trials shows eight weeks of electro-acupuncture increased complete spontaneous bowel movements and is safe for the treatment of chronic severe functional constipation.
read moreVermont considers adding acupuncture to Medicaid
“Patients want it. Clinicians want it,” said Cara Feldman-Hunt, program director of UVM Integrative Health. She said the University of Vermont Medical Center will cover the cost of acupuncture for cancer patients during an upcoming pilot period.
read moreShould MDs Embrace or Reject Alternative Treatments?
MEDSCAPE: Watch the video here: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/886987
read moreEmperor’s College Grads Score 100% CALE Pass Rate
Emperor’s College graduates score a 100% pass rate on the August 2017 California Acupuncture Licensing Exam. This is the second CALE in a row that 100% of the Emperor’s College grads passed on their first attempt!
read moreAcupuncture’s Role in Solving the Opioid Epidemic
In the wake of an opioid epidemic, acupuncturists in the US have issued a white paper recommending acupuncture as a primary non-pharmacologic method for pain relief and management.
“The United States is facing a national opioid epidemic and medical systems are in need of non-pharmacologic strategies that can be employed to decrease the public’s opioid dependence,” the white paper states. Official figures show opioid overdoses kill 91 Americans every single day and more than half of those deaths involve prescription opioids. “Acupuncture has emerged as a powerful, evidence-based, safe, cost-effective, and available treatment modality suitable to
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