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Ancient Remedies for Modern Lives

About Qi

Qi,  by Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine.


The mission of Emperor’s College blog, Qi, is to provide a valuable and practical resource of topics related to acupuncture and Oriental medicine. Qi is dedicated to serving as an educational tool for those seeking information about acupuncture, Oriental medicine, TCM,  Chinese herbs, and integrative health and medicine.

Qi aspires to empower readers with relevant news and information enabling them to take charge of their  wellbeing.

About Emperor’s College

Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine is one of the oldest and most distinguished acupuncture colleges in the nation specializing in a broad-based approach to the art and science of Oriental medicine. Founded in 1983, Emperor’s College has been leading the way for the integration of Oriental medicine in the modern health care system. Offering a master’s and doctoral degree program, Emperor’s College alumni are the pioneering leaders in academia, clinical practice, advocacy and research in the field. For more information, visit


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All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. As the owner of this blog, Emperor’s College makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. Emperor’s College will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. Emperor’s College will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.

Medical Disclaimer

This blog does not provide medical advice or treatment suggestions. Its purpose is to educate readers about acupuncture and Chinese medicine. It does not constitute the practice of medicine or create a patient relationship. If you have medical problems or concerns, contact a physician or your local acupuncturist who will determine your treatment. Do not delay seeking medical advice because of something you read here. If you use advice, tips, techniques, and recommendations published on this blog, and get injured, Emperor’s College is not to be held responsible.

Copyright Policy

Unless otherwise noted, Emperor’s College is the legal copyright holder of the material on Qi blog written by Emperor’s College faculty or staff. You are not allowed to reproduce, reprint or publish any part of this blog without written consent from Emperor’s College. You are welcome to link to this blog, and to discuss its contents in a respectful manner. Please see our Comment Policy below for commenting etiquette. When you quote or link to this blog, please include Emperor’s College Qi blog as the title in your link.

Blog Content

Readers of this blog will not hold Emperor’s College liable for what is said or displayed on the blog. We do not mean to harm, or encourage harming, anybody. The contents of this blog, except for comments, are the opinions of each individual blogger and not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual. Please see our Comment Policy below for commenting etiquette.

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Photographs and graphic images displayed on the Qi blog are property of Emperor’s College, unless noted otherwise.

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Emperor’s College reserves the right to change the focus of the Qi blog. The terms of this disclaimer are subject to change at any time.


 Comments Policy

1. We love your comments on this blog. We encourage your comments on Emperor’s College Qi blog, and hope you will join the discussions. Your comments are as important as anything we write. They add to the knowledge and community that we have here. The only thing we ask is that they be relevant and on point to the post.

2. We don’t like spam. We use a captcha program to protect our blog from comment spam. We also ask you to refrain from leaving comments that are off-topic or clearly promoting a commercial product. Those kinds of comments will be deleted.

3. Be nice. We expect a basic level of civility; disagreements are fine, but mutual respect is a must, and profanity or abusive language is out-of-bounds.

4. Links must be relevant. For the most part, linking to another site is fine as long as it adds value to the conversation. Linking to other sites that have nothing to do with the blog post is spam as far as we are concerned and will be deleted.

5. We can’t respond to every comment. While we try to do our best, we can’t respond to every comment, particularly those that deal with individual medical cases and issues. If you have questions related to acupuncture treatments or herbal remedies, please ask your practitioner or make an appointment for a treatment at Emperor’s College Acupuncture Clinic to get your questions answered.

6. We reserve the right to reproduce or to delete comments. You, and only you, are responsible for your words. However, by posting your comments to the blog you are granting Emperor’s College the right, in perpetuity, to use, reproduce, and/or display them however we see fit. We also reserve the right to delete any comments that we believe are inappropriate, for whatever reason and in our sole discretion.