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Ancient Remedies for Modern Lives

By Cherrie Laygo, DAOM, MSTOM, L.Ac, LMT

As we head into the end of the year and the fast approaching holidays, we are also heading into flu season. The flu virus or the Influenza virus is a viral infection of the respiratory tract that causes coughing, difficulty breathing, fever, headache, muscle aches and weakness.

Cherrie Laygo

Cherrie Laygo

The virus is spread from person to person by inhaling infected droplets from the air. Other symptoms include fatigue, dizziness, nausea and vomiting and the fever can go as high as 100 to 103 degrees. Due to the way the virus is contracted it is highly contagious. Millions of people in the United States get the flu each year. Most get better within a week or two. But thousands become sick and can have serious complications.

Thank you, ACUPUNCTURE, for strengthening our immune system!

So what can acupuncture do for you during flu season? The answer is getting acupuncture treatments helps to prevent catching the flu virus. According to classic Chinese theory, channels or meridians of energy run in patterns throughout our body. These meridians are like rivers which flow throughout our body to nourish and irrigate our tissues. An obstruction in the movement of the energy in the meridians or rivers causes a back-up in other channels.

Acupuncture points influence the meridians to unblock the obstructions and re-establishes normal flow. Acupuncture treatments can help the internal organs to correct imbalances, stimulate the immune system and help prevent illness. Clinical studies have demonstrated that acupuncture along with Chinese herbal therapy reduce the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections as well as shorten the length of time one is ill.

Read more about Natural Flu Remedies in Part 2.

Cherrie Laygo, DAOM, MSTOM, LAc, LMT, is an Emperor’s College alumnus (2011) and faculty member. She is a licensed acupuncturist and massage therapist and treats patients in her practice in Playa del Rey, California. www.acu-girl.comAs we head into the end of the year and the fast approaching holidays, we are also heading into flu season. The flu virus or the Influenza virus is a viral infection of the respiratory tract that causes coughing, difficulty breathing, fever, headache, muscle aches and weakness.

Cherrie Laygo

Cherrie Laygo

The virus is spread from person to person by inhaling infected droplets from the air. Other symptoms include fatigue, dizziness, nausea and vomiting and the fever can go as high as 100 to 103 degrees. Due to the way the virus is contracted it is highly contagious. Millions of people in the United States get the flu each year. Most get better within a week or two. But thousands become sick and can have serious complications.

Thank you, ACUPUNCTURE, for strengthening our immune system!

So what can acupuncture do for you during flu season? The answer is getting acupuncture treatments helps to prevent catching the flu virus. According to classic Chinese theory, channels or meridians of energy run in patterns throughout our body. These meridians are like rivers which flow throughout our body to nourish and irrigate our tissues. An obstruction in the movement of the energy in the meridians or rivers causes a back-up in other channels.

Acupuncture points influence the meridians to unblock the obstructions and re-establishes normal flow. Acupuncture treatments can help the internal organs to correct imbalances, stimulate the immune system and help prevent illness. Clinical studies have demonstrated that acupuncture along with Chinese herbal therapy reduce the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections as well as shorten the length of time one is ill.

Read more about Natural Flu Remedies in Part 2.

Cherrie Laygo, DAOM, MSTOM, LAc, LMT, is an Emperor’s College alumnus (2011) and faculty member. She is a licensed acupuncturist and massage therapist and treats patients in her practice in Playa del Rey, California.