Featured Story, Know Your Herbs
New research published in the December 2014 issue of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology, shows that a component found in in the plant, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, also known as Chinese licorice, may inhibit the development of metabolic disorders by stopping the activation of...
In Practice, Know Your Herbs
By +LisaRocchetti, Director of Admissions and Marketing & Nina Grenningloh, Senior Communications Manager According to UCLA physician Dr. Francisco Antonio Durazo, MD, the use of herbal medicine has increased five-fold in the past ten years. Consequently, being an...
Good Food, Know Your Herbs
By Sarah Nargiso, LAc Ahh yes, summer is in full swing! The sun is shining, the flip flops are out and everyone is headed toward to beach! As the days get longer and the weather gets hotter it is important to fuel our bodies accordingly and match our diet to...