Why Chinese medicine is heading for clinics around the world
The Journal NATURE: “For the first time, the World Health Organization will recognize traditional medicine in its influential global medical compendium.” “Inclusion in ICD-11 is “a powerful tool for [health-care] providers to say this is legitimate...
State acupuncturists celebrate new regulations
House Bill 165, was passed by the Legislature and signed last month by Gov. Matt Mead. It creates a board of acupuncture with five governor-appointed members and a mandate to approve license applications and create standards for licensed practitioners. Read the...
Acupuncture Bill Passes Mississippi Senate
Senate Bill 2214 allows acupuncturists to see patients without first getting a referral from a medical doctor if the acupuncturist has been licensed in Mississippi longer than five years. The bill now goes to the House, where a similar bill has already died in...
Pain Experts Want Better Coverage for Alternative Therapies
Why are “insurance companies willing to approve a $1200 botulinum toxin injection to treat a migraine patient but refuse a $50 charge for acupuncture, even though the evidence for acupuncture in headaches is, to many, “irrefutable.” Read the whole...