NEW YORK TIMES: Acupuncture can relieve wrist pain, and researchers have tracked the brain and nervous system changes that may help explain why. Read the whole article...
TED RADIO HOUR: “We expect a lot of our doctors, but they don’t always have the best tools to treat us. TED speakers explore new ways to think about disease, diagnosis, and the delicate art of healing.” Listen to the podcast...
The American College of Physicians has changed its official advice, telling doctors to prescribe treatments such as massages, acupuncture, and heat therapy before considering drugs. Read the story in the Annals of Internal Medicine...
NPR: A recent study of Medicare recipients found that in 2011, about 15 percent were prescribed an opioid when they were discharged from the hospital; three months later, 42 percent were still taking the pain medicine. Read or Listen to the story on NPR...
In 2011, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declared a prescription drug epidemic as a result of doctors overprescribing painkillers to patients. Lembke’s new book, Drug Dealer, MD, explores the origins of the prescription drug epidemic from a...
Responses to the country’s opioid addiction epidemic have included lawsuits against drugmakers as well as efforts and programs by federal, state and local governments. But with employers bearing a big chunk of the cost, some companies, like Enginemaker Cummins which...