The world’s largest randomized controlled trial of acupuncture in emergency departments has found the treatment is a safe and effective alternative to pain-relieving drugs for some patients. The study found acupuncture was as effective as pain medicine in...
New Jersey Attorney General’s office rules that dry needling is not part of the legal “scope of practice” for physical therapists and that PTs must stop dry needling by September 2017. Read the whole article...
The Food and Drug Administration released proposed changes Wednesday to its blueprint on educating health care providers about treating pain. The guidelines now recommend that doctors get information about chiropractic care and acupuncture as therapies that might help...
WASHINGTON POST: . Research suggests that acupuncture, reduces osteoarthritis discomfort for some people. Read the whole article:
Even as news in the United States recently highlighted the growing inclusion of acupuncture and other complementary and integrative medicine therapies in guidelines for multiple pain conditions, acupuncture is excluded in two British governmental guidelines....
Drugs are not part of the latest recommendations for treating “mechanical” back pain…but ACUPUNCTURE is! Read the whole article here: